Our Story…
We believe that gathering around a dining table together benefits physical and mental health, for everyone of all ages. Gathering at the table, we build relationships and create bonds that benefit our wellbeing and quality of life — physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
The Doorway Gourmet is established as a Christ-centered, for-profit, limited liability company with the direct purpose and specific focus of supporting the community and the local Annie Caldwell Foundation (501c3).
The Annie Caldwell Foundation is a nonprofit organized and operated for charitable purposes, specifically to provide grant funding for organizations in Campbell County operating addiction recovery programs to improve the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health of those seeking a path from drug addiction. Nancy Thompson and Tanya McCall are two of the founding members active in the Annie Caldwell Foundation. Annie Margaret Caldwell is on the board of directors.
Annie has been a leader in helping redeem addicts for many years and is an inspiration to the community. Having retired from teaching school in Campbell County, she is known, loved, and respected by many in the community. When choosing a name for the foundation, it was appropriate to name it after Annie.
Who is Annie Caldwell?
My walk began in 1980 when I traveled with a youth choir from South Carolina to incarceration facilities from the east coast to Colorado. The incarcerated we ministered to were juveniles, male and female, and men and women who were considered “lifers” in maximum-security facilities.
In 2004, God called me to introduce the Celebrate Recovery program to women in the East Tennessee Campbell County Jail. It was in that jail that I began to realize that unless the women were shown the way to live by accepting God’s plan for their lives, they would return to their addictions and crimes and eventually die. Unborn babies would become victims of their mother’s addictions. It is the “least of these” that compels me to do everything in my spiritual walk to help win the battle of drug addiction and change the outcome for millions of unborn babies and their mothers.
“The King will reply, “I tell you the truth whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for me.”
Matthew 25:40-45